Friday, August 03, 2007

USA Refugees flee to Canada

Never let any news spoil a good headline, eh? Ok, I'm acting sensationalist this morning, blame it in not having my second coffee yet, and the border with Canada is not really flooded with millions of Americans. However, Erica Alini writes in FP Passport that the number of Americans "emigrating to Canada has almost doubled since 2000" according to a report [PDF format] issued by the Association for Canadian Studies. Says Erica:

"Although the Canadian study does not provide statistics about the emigrants' motivations, anecdotal evidence suggests that post-9/11 U.S. policies are a major drive for the move. Other reasons may include Canada's generous healthcare system and Canada's tolerance for gay marriage, as American emigrate Tom Kertes tells ABCNews."

Healthcare system apart, policy motivations and tolerance for gay marriage could be considered major cause of asylum, maybe we could be talking for the first time about USA refugees? Wow! And if ever the more leftist liberals (hey, that's just wishful thinking, ladies and gentlemen) could enact laws and acts with complete freedom, where the ultra religious right would seek asylum, the Vatican?

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